Zaburzenia lękowe na tle somatycznym a nawyki

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Zaburzenia lękowe na tle somatycznym a nawyki

  1. Craske M.G., Rauch S.L., Ursano R., Prenoveau J., Pine D.S., Zinbarg R.E.: What Is an Anxiety Disorder? 2011. DOI:
  2. Dreschel N.A.: The effects of fear and anxiety on health and lifespan in pet dogs. „Applied Animal Behaviour Science”, 2010, 125, 3-4, 157-162.
  3. Beck A.T.: Cognitive Approaches to Anxiety Disorders, Anxiety Disorders. Plenum Press, New York 1986, 115-135.
  4. Rugaas T.: On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals. Dogwise Publishing, 2006.
  5. Travaina T., Colombo E.S., Heinzl E., Bellucci D., Prato Previde E., Valsecchi P.: Hot dogs: Thermography in the assessment of stress in dogs (Canis familiaris) – A pilot study. „Journal of Veterinary Behavior”, 2015, 10, 1, 17-23.
  6. Scholz M., Von Reinhardt C.: Stress in Dogs: Learn How Dogs Show Stress and What You Can Do to Help. Dogwise Publishing, 2006.
  7. Horowitz D.F., Mills D.S.: Medycyna behawioralna psów i kotów. Galaktyka, 2016.
  8. Frank D.: Recognizing Behavioral Signs of Pain and Disease: A Guide for Practitioners. „Vet Clin Small Anim”, 2014, 44, 507-524, DOI:
  9. Mills D.S. et all: Pain and Problem Behavior in Cats and Dogs. „Animals”, 2020, 10 (2). DOI: (open access).
  10. Bleuer-Elsner S., Medam T., Masson S.: Effects of a single oral dose of gabapentin on storm phobia in dogs: A double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial. „Veterinary Record”, 2021, 189 (7).
  11. Gray J.A.: The psychology of fear and stress. Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, New York 1971.
  12. Davis M.: Sensitization of the rat startle response by noise. „J Comp Physiol Psychol”, 1974, 3, 571-581.
  13. Riemer S., Heritier C., Windschnurer I., Pratsch L., Arhant C., Affenzeller N.: A Review on Mitigating Fear and Aggression in Dogs and Cats in a Veterinary Setting. „Animals”, 2021, 1, 158.
  14. Möstl E., Palme R.: Hormones as indicators of stress. „Domest Anim Endocrinol”, 2002, 23, 67-74.
  15. Moberg G.P., Mench J.A.: The biology of animal stress: basic principles and implications for animal welfare. CABI, 2000.
  16. Overall K.: Manual of Clinical Behavioral Medicine for Dogs and Cats. Mosby, 2013.
lek. wet. Martyna Woszczyło*
dr n. wet. Agata Kokocińska**
dr hab. Michał Dzięcioł, prof. nadzw.***
* Gabinet Weterynaryjny
Medycyny Behawioralnej
ul. Poleska 17-23, 51-354 Wrocław
** Ethoplanet w Piasecznie
*** Katedra Rozrodu z Kliniką Zwierząt Gospodarskich
Wydziału Medycyny Weterynaryjnej
Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu
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