Zapalenie wątroby u kotów - Vetkompleksowo – serwis dla lekarzy weterynarii

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Zapalenie wątroby u kotów

  1. Boland L., Beatty J.: Feline Cholangitis. „Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract.”, 2017, 47, 703-724.
  2. Brain P.H., Barrs V.R., Martin P., Baral R., White J.D., Beatty J.A.: Feline cholecystitis and acute neutrophilic cholangitis: clinical findings, bacterial isolates and response to treatment in six cases. „J Feline Med Surg.”, 2006, 8, 91-103.
  3. Center S.A., Randolph J.F., Warner K.L., McCabe-McClelland J., Foureman P., Hoffmann W.E., Erb H.N.: The effects of S-adenosylmethionine on clinical pathology and redox potential in the red blood cell, liver, and bile of clinically normal cats. „J Vet Intern Med.”, 2005, 19, 303-314.
  4. Day M.J.: Immunohistochemical characterization of the lesions of feline progressive lymphocytic cholangitis/cholangiohepatitis. „J Comp Pathol.”, 1998, 119, 135-147.
  5. Gagne J.M., Armstrong P.J., Weiss D.J., Lund E.M., Feeney D.A., King V.L.: Clinical features of inflammatory liver disease in cats: 41 cases (1983-1993). „J Am Vet Med Assoc.”, 1999, 214, 513-516.
  6. Gagne J.M., Weiss D.J., Armstrong P.J.: Histopathologic evaluation of feline inflammatory liver disease. „Vet Pathol.”, 1996, 33, 521-526.
  7. Greiter-Wilke A., Scanziani E., Soldati S. et al.: Association of Helicobacter with cholangiohepatitis in cats. „J Vet Intern Med.”, 2006, 20, 822-827.
  8. Harvey A.M., Gruffydd-Jones T.J.: Feline Inflammatory Liver Disease. [In:] Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine. Ettinger S.J., Feldman E.C. (ed.), p. 1643. Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, 2010.
  9. Hirsch V.M., Doige C.E.: Suppurative cholangitis in cats. „J Am Vet Med Assoc”, 1983, 182 (11), 1223-1226.
  10. Kubokawa K., Kubo M., Takasaki Y., Oghiso Y., Sato K.: Two cases of feline Tyzzer’s disease. „Jpn J Exp Med.”, 1973, 43, 413-421.
  11. Marolf A.J., Leach L., Gibbons D.S., Bachand A., Twedt D.: Ultrasonographic findings of feline cholangitis. „J Am Anim Hosp Assoc.”, 2012, 48, 36-42.
  12. Otte C.M., Penning L.C., Rothuizen J., Favier R.P.: Retrospective comparison of prednisolone and ursodeoxycholic acid for the treatment of feline lymphocytic cholangitis. „Vet J.”, 2013, 195, 205-209.
  13. Plumb D.C.: Plumb’s Veterinary Drug Handbook. Sixth Edition, Blackwell Publishing, Ames, IA, 2008, pp. 1136.
  14. Van den Ingh T.S., Cullen J.M., Twedt D.C., Van Winkle T., Desmet V.J., Rothuizen J.: Morphological classification of biliary disorders of the canine and feline liver. [In:] WSAVA Standards for clinical and histological diagnosis of canine and feline liver diseases. Rothuizen J., Bunch S.E., Charles Je., Cullen J.M., Desmet V.J., Szatmari V., Twedt D.C., Van den Ingh T.S., Van Winle T., Washabau R.J. (ed.) Elsvier, Philadelphia, PA, 2006, 68-71.
  15. Warren A., Center S., McDonough S., Chiotti R., Goldstein R., Meseck E., Jacobsen M., Rowland M., Simpson K.: Histopathological features, immunophenotyping, clonality, and eubacterial fluorescence In Situ hybridization in cats with lymphocytic cholangitis/cholangiohepatitis. „Vet Pathol.”, 2010, 43, 627-641.
  16. Weingarten M.A., Sande A.A.: Acute liver failure in dogs and cats. „J Vet Emerg Crit Care”, (San Antonio), 2015, 25, 455-473.
  17. Zawie D.A., Garvey M.S.: Feline hepatic disease. „Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract.”, 1984, 14, 1201-30.
lek. wet. Pola Borusewicz
Katedra Chorób Wewnętrznych z Kliniką Koni, Psów i Kotów,
Wydział Medycyny Weterynaryjnej,
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu,
pl. Grunwaldzki 47, 50-366 Wrocław,

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