Kleszcze jako wektory chorób zakaźnych i inwazyjnych u kotów

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Kleszcze jako wektory chorób zakaźnych i inwazyjnych u kotów


  1. Lappin M.R., Hawley J.: Presence of Bartonella species and Rickettsia species DNA in the blood, oral cavity, skin and claw beds of cats in the United States. „Vet Dermatol”, 2009, 20, 509-514.
  2. Fiecek B., Chmielewski T., Tylewska-Wierzbanowska S.: Zakażenia Bartonella sp., ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem chorób oczu. „Post Mikrobiol”, 2012, 51, 47-53.
  3. Breitschwerdt E.B., Levine J.F., Radulovic S., Hanby S.B., Kordick D.L., LaPerle K.M.D.: Bartonella henselae and Rickettsia seroreactivity in a sick cat population from North Carolina. „Internat J Appl Vet Res”, 2005, 3, 287-302.
  4. Foil L., Andress E., Freeland R.L., Roy A.F., Rutledge R., Triche P.C., O’Reilly K.L.: Experimental infection of domestic cats with Bartonella henselae by inoculation of Ctenocephalides felis (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) feces. „J Med Entomol” 1998, 35, 625-628.
  5. Reis C., Cote M., Le Rhun D., Lecuelle B., Levin M.L., Vayssier-Taussat M., Bonnet S.I.: Vector competence of the tick Ixodes ricinus for transmission of Bartonella birtlesii. „PLoS Negl Trop Dis”, 2011, 5, 1186.
  6. Welc-Falęciak R., Werszko J., Cydzik K., Bajer A., Michalik J., Behnke J.M.: Co-infection and genetic diversity of tick-borne pathogens in roe deer from Poland. „Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis”, 2013, 13, 277-288.
  7. Welc-Falęciak R., Bajer A., Behnke J.M., Siński E.: The ecology of Bartonella spp. infections in two rodent communities in the Mazury Lake District region of Poland. „Parasitology”, 2010, 137, 1069-1077.
  8. Guptill L., Slater L., Wu C.C., Lin T.L., Glickman L.T., Welch D.F., HogenEsch H.: Experimental infection of young specific pathogen-free cats with Bartonella henselae. „J Infect Dis”, 1997, 176, 206-216.
  9. Mikolajczyk M.G., O’Reilly K.L.: Clinical disease in kittens inoculated with a pathogenic strain of Bartonella henselae. „Am J Vet Res”, 2000, 61, 375-379.
  10. Varanat M., Travis A., Lee W., Maggi R.G., Bissett S.A., Linder K.E., Breitschwerdt E.B.: Recurrent osteomyelitis in a cat due to infection with Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii genotype II. „J Vet Intern Med”, 2009, 23, 1273-1277.
  11. Beerlage C., Varanat M., Linder K., Maggi R.G., Cooley J., Kempf V.A., Breitschwerdt E.B.: Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii and Bartonella henselae as potential causes of proliferative vascular diseases in animals. „Med Microbiol Immunol” 2012, 201, 319-326.
  12. Brunt J., Guptill L., Kordick D.L., Kudrak S., Lappin M.R.: American Association of Feline Practitioners; Academy of Feline Medicine Advisory Panel.Panel report on diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of Bartonella spp. infections. „J Feline Med Surg”, 2006, 8, 213-226.
  13. Biswas S., Maggi R.G., Papich M.G., Keil D., Breitschwerdt E.B.: Comparative activity of pradofloxacin, enrofloxacin, and azithromycin against Bartonella henselae isolates collected from cats and a human. „J Clin Microbiol”, 2010, 48, 617-618.
  14. Neer T.M., Breitschwerdt E.B., Green R.T., Lappin M.R.: Consensus statement on ehrlichial disease of small animals from the Infectious Disease Study Group of the ACVIM. „Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine”, 2002, 16, 309-315.
  15. Stuen S.: Anaplasma phagocytophilum – the most widespread tick-borne infection in animals in Europe. „Veterinary Research Communications”, 2007, 31, 79-84.
  16. Lappin M.R. et al.: Erlichioza, neoriketsioza, anaplazmoza oraz zakażenia na tle Wolbachia. [W]: Grenne C. (red.): Choroby Zakaźne psów i kotów. Łódź 2010.
  17. Bjöersdorff A., Svendenius L., Owens J.H., Massung R.F.: Feline granulocytic ehrlichiosis – areport of a new clinical entity and characterisation of the infectious agent. „Journal of Small Animal Practice”, 1999, 40, 20-24.
  18. Tarello W.: Microscopic and Clinical evidence for Anaplasma (Ehrlichia) phagocytophilum infection in Italian cats. „The Veterinary Record”, 2005, 156, 772-774.
  19. Egenvall A.E., Hedhammar A.A., Bjöersdorff A.I.: Clinical features and serology of 14 dogs affected by granulocytic ehrlichiosis in Sweden. „Vet Rec”, 1997, 140, 222-226.
  20. Greig B., Asanovich K.M., Armstrong P.J., Dumler J.S.: Geographic, clinical, serologic, and molecular evidence of granulocytic ehrlichiosis, a likely zoonotic disease, in Minnesota and Wisconsin dogs. „J Clin Microbiol”, 1996, 34, 44-48.
  21. Poitout F.M., Shinozaki J.K., Stockwell P.J., Holland C.J., Shukla S.K.: Genetic variants of Anaplasma phagocytophilum infecting dogs in Western Washington State. „J Clin Microbiol”, 2005, 43, 796-801.
  22. Schabereiter-Gurtner C., Lubitz W., Rölleke S.: Application of broad-range 16S rRNA PCR amplification and DGGE fingerprinting for detection of tick-infecting bacteria. „J Microbiol Methods”, 2003, 52, 251-260.
  23. Taroura S., Shimada Y., Skata Y.: Detection of DNA of ‘Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum’ and Spiroplasma spp. in unfed ticks collected from vegetation in Japan. „J Vet Med Sci”, 2005, 67, 1277-1279.
  24. Sykes J.E., Drazenovich N.L., Ball L.M.: Use of conventional and real-time polymerase chain reaction to determine the epidemiology of hemoplasma infections in anemic and nonanemic cats. „J Vet Intern Med”, 2007, 21, 685-693.
  25. Harvey J.W., Gaskin J.M.: Experimental feline haemobartonellosis. „J Am Anim Hosp Assoc”, 1977, 13, 28-38.
  26. Zulty J.C., Kociba G.J.: Cold agglutinins in cats with haemobartonellosis. „J Am Vet Med Assoc”, 1990, 196, 907-910.
  27. Maede Y., Hata R.: Studies on feline haemobartonellosis. II. The mechanism of anemia produced by infection with Haemobartonella felis. „Nippon Juigaku Zasshi”, 1975, 37, 49-54.
  28. Sykes J.E.: Feline hemotropic mycoplasmas. „J Vet Emerg Crit Care”, 2010, 20, 62-69.
  29. Sykes J.E.: Canine and feline infectious diseases. St. Louis 2014.
  30. Kier A.B., Wagner J.E., Morehouse L.G.: Experimental transmission of Cytauxzoon felis from bobcats (Lynx rufus) to domestic cats (Felis domesticus). „Am J Vet Res”, 1982, 43, 97-101.
  31. Reichard M.V., Edwards A.C., Meinkoth J.H., Snider T.A., Meinkoth K.R., Heinz R.E., Little S.E.: Confirmation of Amblyomma americanum (Acari: Ixodidae) as a vector for Cytauxzoon felis (Piroplasmorida: Theileriidae) to domestic cats. „J Med Entomol”, 2010, 47, 890-896.
  32. Butt M.T., Bowman D., Barr M.C., Roelke M.E.: Iatrogenic transmission of Cytauxzoon felis from a Florida panther (Felix concolor coryi) to a domestic cat. „J Wildl Dis” 1991, 27, 342-347.
  33. Butt N.J.: Infection and blood transfusion: a guide to donor screening. „Clin Tech Small Anim Pract”, 2004, 19, 68-74.
  34. Kier A.B., Greene C.E.: Cytauxzoonosis. [In:] Greene C.E. (ed.): Infectious Diseases of Dog and Cat. 1998, 517-519.
  35. Zygner W.: Cytaukszoonoza kotów – choroba zawlekana z Ameryki. „Mag Wet”, 2006, 15, 55-56.
  36. Wagner J.E.: A fatal cytauxzoonosis-like disease in cats. „J Am Vet Med Assoc”, 1976, 168, 585-588.
  37. Haber M.D., Tucker M.D., Marr H.S., Levy J.K., Burgess J., Lappin M.R., Birkenheuer A.J.: The detection of Cytauxzoon felis in apparently healthy free-roaming cats in the USA. „Vet Parasitol”, 2007, 146, 316-320.
  38. Greene C.E., Latimer K., Hopper E., Shoeffler G., Lower K., Cullens F.: Administration of diminazene aceturate or imidocarb dipropionate for treatment of cytauxzoonosis in cats. „J Am Vet Med Assoc”, 1999, 215, 497-500.
  39. Cohn L.A., Birkenheuer A.J., Brunker J.D., Ratcliff E.R., Craig A.W.: Efficacy of atovaquone and azithromycin or imidocarb dipropionate in cats with acute cytauxzoonosis. „Vet Intern Med”, 2011, 25, 55-60.
prof. dr hab. Łukasz Adaszek*
dr n. wet. Łukasz Mazurek*
dr n. wet. Piotr Dębiak**
lek. wet. Maria Pisarek*
lek. wet. Małgorzata Rutkowska-Szulczyk***
lek. wet. Łukasz Deneka***
* Katedra Epizootiologii i Klinika Chorób Zakaźnych
Wydziału Medycyny Weterynaryjnej
Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
** Pracownia Radiologii i Ultrasonografii
Wydziału Medycyny Weterynaryjnej
Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
*** Vet Planet Sp. z o.o. Łomianki
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