Farmakoterapia bólu neuropatycznego u psów i kotów - Vetkompleksowo – serwis dla lekarzy weterynarii

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Farmakoterapia bólu neuropatycznego u psów i kotów

  1. Szczudlik A., Dobrogowski J., Wordliczek J., Stępień A., Krajnik M., Leppert W., Woroń J., Przeklasa-Muszyńska A., Kocot-Kępska M., Zajączkowska R., Janecki M., Adamczyk A., Malec-Milewska M.: Rozpoznanie i leczenie bólu neuropatycznego: przegląd piśmiennictwa i zalecenia Polskiego Towarzystwa Badania Bólu i Towarzystwa Neurologicznego – część pierwsza. „Ból”, 2014, 15, 2, 8-18, DOI: 10.5604/1640324x.1115164.
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  27. Lamminen T., Doedée A., HyttiläHopponen M., Kaskinoro J.: Pharmacokinetics of single and repeated oral doses of pregabalin oral solution formulation in cats. „Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics”, 2022, 45, 385-391. DOI:
  28. Thoefnera M.S., Skovgaardb L.T., McEvoya F.J., Berendta M., Bjerrum O.J.: Pregabalin alleviates clinical signs of syringomyelia-related central neuropathic pain in Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dogs: a randomized controlled trial. „Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia”, 2020, 47, 238e248. DOI:
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  31. Monteiro B.P., de Lorimier L.P., Moreau M., Beauchamp G., Blair J., Lussier B., Pelletier J.P., Troncy E.: Pain characterization and response to palliative care in dogs with naturally occurring appendicular osteosarcoma: An open label clinical trial. „PLoS One”, 2018, 13 (12): e0207200. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207200.
  32. Steagall P., Robertson S.A., Taylor P.: Feline Anesthesia and Pain Management. WILEY Blackwell, 2017.
  33. Perez Jimenez T.E., Mealey K.L., Grubb T.L., Greene S.A., Court M.H.: Tramadol metabolism to O-desmethyl tramadol (M1) and N-desmethyl tramadol (M2) by dog liver microsomes: Species comparison and identification of responsible canine cytochrome P-450s (CYPs). ”Drug Metab Dispos”, 2016, 44 (12), 1963-1972./[published correction appears in] „Drug Metab Dispos”, 2017, 45 (7), 706. DOI: 10.1124/dmd.116.071902.
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  38. Monteiro B.P., Klinck M.P., Moreau M., Guillot M., Steagall P.V., Pelletier J.P., Martel-Pelletier J., Gauvin D., Del Castillo J.R., Troncy E.: Analgesic efficacy of tramadol in cats with naturally occurring osteoarthritis. „PLoS One”, 2017, 12 (4), e0175565. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0175565.
  39. Guedes A.G.P., Meadows J.M., Pypendop B.H., Johnson E.G.: Evaluation of tramadol for treatment of osteoarthritis in geriatric cats. „J Am Vet Med Assoc”, 2018 Mar 1, 252 (5), 565-571. doi: 10.2460/javma.252.5.565. PMID: 29461159.
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  50. Wilson-Morkeh H., Al-Abdulla A., Sien L., Mohamed H., Youngstein T.: Important drug interactions exist between cannabidiol oil and commonly prescribed drugs in rheumatology practice. „Rheumatology”, 2020, 59, 1, 249-251. DOI:
  51. della Rocca G., Gamba D.: Chronic Pain in Dogs and Cats: Is There Place for Dietary Intervention with Micro-Palmitoylethanolamide? „Animals”, 2021, 11 (4), 952. DOI:
  52. 52.    Enomoto M., Mantyh P.W., Murrell J., Innes J.F., Lascelles B.D.X.: Anti-nerve growth factor monoclonal antibodies for the control of pain in dogs and cats. „Vet Rec”, 2019, 184 (1), 23. DOI: 10.1136/vr.104590.
  53. Krautmann M., Walters R., Cole P., Tena J., Bergeron L.M., Messamore J., Mwangi D., Rai S., Dominowski P., Saad K., Zhu Y., Guillot M., Chouinard L.: Laboratory safety evaluation of bedinvetmab, a canine anti-nerve growth factor monoclonal antibody, in dogs. „The Veterinary Journal”, 2021, 276, 105733. DOI:
  54. Goich M., Bascuńán A., Faúndez P., Valdés A.: Multimodal analgesia for treatment of allodynia and hyperalgesia after major trauma in a cat. „JFMS Open Rep”, 2019, 5 (1), 2055116919855809. DOI: 10.1177/2055116919855809 (Published 2019 Jun 18).
lek. wet. Zofia Fraś
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