Laseroterapia niskoenergetyczna - Vetkompleksowo – serwis dla lekarzy weterynarii

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Laseroterapia niskoenergetyczna

  1. Bauer A., Wiecheć M.: Przewodnik metodyczny po wybranych zabiegach fizykalnych. Markmed Rehabilitacja S.C., Wrocław 2012.
  2. Bromiley M.: Urazy u koni, ich leczenie i rehabilitacja. SIMA WLW, Warszawa 2009.
  3. Canapp S.: Shoulder Conditions In Agality Dogs. „Clean Run”, 2007, 13, 9, 73-78.
  4. Cannap S.: The canine stifle. Clinical techniques in small animal practice. „Clin. Tech. Small Anim. Pract.”, 2007, 22, 4, 195-205.
  5. Dragone L.: Praktyczne aspekty rehabilitacji zwierząt. Poznań 2012.
  6. Kaneps A., Hultgren B., Riebold T., Shires G.: Laser therapy in the horse: Histopathological response. „American Journal of Veterinary Research”, 1984, 45, 3, 581-582.
  7. Lucroy M., Edwards B., Madewell B.: Low-intensity laser light-induced closure of a chronic wound in a dog. „Veterinary Surgery”, 1999, 28, 292-295.
  8. Marr C., Love J., Boyd Q., McKellar Q.: Factors affecting the clinical outcome of injuries to the superficial digital flexor tendon in National Hunt and point-to-point racehorses. „The Veterinary Record.”, 1993, 132, 476-479.
  9. Martin B., Kilde A.: Treatment of chronic back pain in horses: Stimulation of acupuncture points with a low powered infrared laser. „Veterinary Surgery”, 1987, 16, 1, 106-110.
  10. Martin B., Kilde A.: Treatment of chronic back pain in horses: Stimulation of acupuncture points with a low powered infrared laser. „Veterinary Surgery”, 1987, 16, 1, 106-110.
  11. McGowan C., Goff L., Stubbs N.: Animal Physiotherapy: asessment, treatment and rehabilitation of animal. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford 2007.
  12. Merril L.: Small Animal Internal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford 2012.
  13. Mikail S.: Eletroterapia. [In]: Mikail S., Pedro C.: Fisioterapia veterinária. São Paulo, Manole 2006, 96-102
  14. Petermann U.: Comparison of Pre- and Post-treatment Pain Scores of Twenty One Horses with Laminitis Treated with Acupoint and Topical Low Level Impulse Laser Therapy. „American Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine (AJTCVM) Clinical Studies”, 2011, 6, 1.
  15. Petersen S., Botes C., Olivier A., Guthrie A.: The effect of low level laser therapy (LLLT) on wound healing in horses. „Equine Veterinary Journal”, 1999, 31, 3, 228-231.
  16. Ramey D., Basford J.: Laser therapy in horses. „Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian”, 2000, 22, 3, 263-272.
  17. Ryan T., Smith R.: An investigation into the depth of penetration of LLLT the equine tendon in vivo. „Irish Veterinary Journal”, 2007, 60, 5, 295-299.
  18. Tuner J., Hode L.: The laser therapy handbook. Prima Books, Grängesberg 2004, 589.
  19. Van Coevorden R.: Zastosowanie niskoenergetycznego promieniowania laserowego w opiece paliatywnej. „Advances In Palliative Medicine”, 2009, 8, 3, 83-89.
  20. Xie H., Priest V.: Veterinary Acupuncture. Blackwell Publishing, 2007.
mgr Magdalena Gicala
Gabinet Weterynaryjny lek. wet. Joanny Kwietniewskiej w Szczecinie Dąbiu

Terapia laserowa (laseroterapia niskoenergetyczna) to jedna z technik wspierania powrotu do zdrowia pacjentów weterynaryjnych.
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