Kryzys zatrudnienia w weterynarii - Vetkompleksowo – serwis dla lekarzy weterynarii

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Kryzys zatrudnienia w weterynarii

  1. Ryan E.G., Beatty S.H., Gray E., Field N., Liston R., Rhodes V., Donlon J.: Factors affecting retention of veterinary practitioners in Ireland: a cross-sectional study with a focus on clinical practice. „Irish Veterinary Journal”, 2022, 75 (1), 13.
  2. Stoewen D.L.: Understanding compassion fatigue. „Can Vet J”, 2019, 60, 1004-1006.
  3. Wallace J.E.: The Downs: What Stresses Veterinarians and Technicians Out. 2014. DOI:
  4. Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons: Workforce Action Plan 2022. DOI:
  5. British Veterinary Association: Stress and burnout top vet concerns six months on from Covid lockdown, 2020. DOI:
  6. DOI:
  7. Powell L., Reinhard C.L., Serpell J., Watson B.: Workplace Relations and Opportunities for Career Development Impact the Retention of Veterinarians in Shelter Medicine. „Frontiers in Veterinary Science”, 2021, 8, 732105.
  8. Pohl R., Botscharow J., Böckelmann I., Thielmann B.: Stress and strain among veterinarians: a scoping review. „Irish Veterinary Journal”, 2022, 75 (1), 15.
  9. IVC Evidensia: European Veterinary Review 2019. DOI:
  10. DOI:
  11. Federation of Veterinarians of Europe: Exclusive Sponsor Survey of the veterinary profession in Europe. „Vet Survey” 2018. DOI:
  12. DOI:
lek. wet. Natalia Strokowska MRCVS
Właścicielka firmy Vetnolimits
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