Możliwości zastosowania składników diety w dietoprofilaktyce i dietoterapii IBD u psów

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Możliwości zastosowania składników diety w dietoprofilaktyce i dietoterapii IBD u psów

  1. Abnet C.C., Corley D.A., Freedman N.D., Kamangar F.: Diet and upper gastrointestinal malignancies. „Gastroenterology”, 2015, 148, 1234-1243.
  2. Adler N., Schoeniger A., Fuhrmann H.: Polyunsaturated fatty acids influence inflammatory markers in a cellular model for canine osteoarthritis. „J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl)”, 2018, 102, e623-e632.
  3. Aghdassi E., Wendland B.E., Steinhart A.H., Wolman S.L., Jeejeebhoy K., Allard J.P.: Antioxidant vitamin supplementation in Crohn’s disease decreases oxidative stress. A randomized controlled trial. „The American Journal of Gastroenterology”, 2003, 2, 348-353.
  4. Cheng Lu X., Tao Y., Wu C., Zhao P.L., Li K., Zheng J.Y., Li L.X.: Association between variants of the autophagy related gene–IRGM and susceptibility to Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis: a meta-analysis. „PLOS ONE”, 2013, 8, 1232-1242.
  5. Cox C.M., Stuar L.H., Kim S., McElroy A.P., Bedford M.R., Dalloul R.A.: Performance and immune responses to dietary β-glucan in broiler chicks. „Poult Sci”, 2010, 89, 1924-1933.
  6. Danese S., Sans M., Fiocchi C.: Inflammatory bowel disease: the role of environmental factors. „Autoimmunity Reviews”, 2013, 3, 394-400.
  7. Gassull M.A., Fernandes-Bańares F., Cabré E., Papo M., Giaffer M.H., Sánchez-Lombrańa J.L., Richart C., Malchow H., González-Huix F., Esteve M.: Fat composition may be a clue to explain the primary therapeutic effect of enteral nutrition in Crohn’s disease: results of a double blind randomised multicentre European trial. „Gut”, 2002, 2, 164-168.
  8. German A.J., Hall E.J., Day M.J.: Analysis of Leucocyte Subsets in the Canine Intestine. „Journal of Comparative Pathology”, 1999, 120, 129-145.
  9. Harbord M.W., Marks D.J, Forbes A., Bloom S.L., Day R.M., Segal A.W.: Impaired neutrophil chemotaxis in Crohn’s disease relates to reduced production of chemokines andcan be augmented by granulocyte-colony stimulating factor. „Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics”, 2006, 4, 651-660.
  10. Kleinschmidt S., Meneses F., Nolte I., Hewicker-Trautwein M.: Characterization of mast cell numbers and subtypes in biopsies from the gastrointestinal tract of dogs with lymphocytic-plasmacytic or eosinophilic gastroenterocolitis. „Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology”, 2007, 120, 80-92.
  11. Kołodziejska-Sawerska A., Rychlik A., Depta A., Wdowiak M., Nowicki M., Kander M.: Cytokines in canine inflammatory bowel disease. „Pol J Vet Sci”, 2013, 16, 165-171.
  12. Kuramoto S., Oohara T., Ihara O., Shimazu R., Kondo Y.: Granulomas of the gut in Crohn’s disease. A step sectioning study. „Diseases of the Colon and Rectum”, 1987, 1, 6-11.
  13. Lucendo J.A., De Rezende L.C.: Importance of nutrition in inflammatory bowel disease. „World Journal of Gastroenterology”, 2009, 5, 2081-2088.
  14. Marks D.J., Harbord M.W., MacAllister R., Rahman F.Z., Young J., Al-Lazikani B., Lees W., Novelli M., Bloom S., Segal A.W.: Defective acute inflammation in Crohn’s disease: a clinical investigation. „The Lancet”, 2006, 11, 668-678.
  15. Parray F.Q., Wani M.L., Malik A.A., Wani S.N., Bijli A.H., Irshad I., Hassan N.U.: Ulcerative colitis: a challenge to surgeons. „International Journal of Preventive Medicine”, 2012, 11, 749-763.
  16. Petkowicz B., Berger M., Szeszko Ł., Piotrkowicz J.: Nieswoiste zapalenia jelit – diagnostyka, etiologia oraz objawy z uwzględnieniem zmian w jamie ustnej. „Gastroenterologia Polska”, 2011, 18, 35-40.
  17. Radwan M.M., Elsohly M.A., Slade D., Ahmed S.A., Khan I.A., Ross S.A.: Biologically active cannabinoids from high-potency Cannabis sativa. „J. Nat. Prod.”, 2009, 72, 906-911.
  18. Rakoff-Nahoum S., Paglino J., Eslami-Varzaneh F., Edberg S., Medzhitov R.: Recognition of commensal microflora by toll-like receptors is required for intestinal homeostasis. „Cell”, 2004, 2, 229-241.
  19. Schwartz B., Hadar Y.: Possible mechanisms of action of mushroom-derived glucans on inflammatory bowel disease and associated cancer. „Ann Transl Med.”, 2014, 2, 19.
  20. Shen J., Zuo Z.X., Mao A.P.: Effect of probiotics on inducing remission and maintaining therapy in ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and pouchitis: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. „Inflamm. Bowel Dis.”, 2014, 20, 21-35.
  21. Triantafillidis J.K., Vagianos C., Papalois A.E.: The role of enteral nutrition in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: current aspects. „BioMed Research International”, 2015, 8, 556-576.
  22. Wendland B.E., Aghdassi E., Tam C., Carrrier J., Steinhart A.H., Wolman S.L., Baron D., Allard J.P.: Lipid peroxidation and plasma antioxidant micronutrients in Crohn disease. „The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition”, 2001, 2, 259-264.
  23. 23.    Wilczak J., Błaszczyk K., Kamola D., Gajewska M., Harasym J.P., Jałosińska M., Gromadzka-Ostrowska J.: The effect of low or high molecular weight oat beta-glucans on the inflammatory and oxidative stress status in the colon of rats with LPS-induced enteritis. „Food and Function”, 2015, 6 (2), 590-603.
dr inż. Jacek Wilczak
Zakład Biochemii i Dietetyki
Katedra Nauk Fizjologicznych
Wydział Medycyny Weterynaryjnej
SGGW w Warszawie

ul. Nowoursynowska 166 02-787 Warszawa
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