Zachowania związane z przyjmowaniem pokarmu a dieta
- Beata C.A.: Feline behavior: can nutrition really make a difference? „Proceedings Royal Canin Feline Symposium”, 2007: 30-33.
- Bradshaw J.W.: Sensory and experimental factors in the design of food for domestic dogs and cats. „Proc. Nutr. Soc.”, 1991; 50-99-106.
- Delaney S.J.: Management of anorexia in dogs and cats. „Veterinary Clinics Small Animal Practice. Elsevier Saunders.”, 2006: 1243-1249.
- DeNapoli J.S., Dodman N.S., Shuster L., Rand W.M., Gross K.L.: Effect of dietary protein content and tryptophan supplementation on dominance aggression, territorial aggression, and hyperactivity in dogs. „JAVMA”, 2000; vol. 217; no. 4: 504-508.
- Dzanis D.A.: Etiopathogenesis of Canine GDV: A Nutritionist’s Interpretation of the Evidence. Nestle Purina Companion Animal Nutrition Summit: Tacking Myths About Pet Nutrition, Atlanta, USA, 21-23.03. 2013.
- Hagen-Plantiga E.: Towards Optimizing Feline Nutrition: Insights from the Dietary Nutrient Profile of Feral Cats. Nestle Purina Companion Animal Nutrition Summit: Tacking Myths About Pet Nutrition, Atlanta, USA, 21-23.03. 2013.
- Hepper P.G., Wells D.L., Millsopp S., Kraehenbuehl K., Lyn S.A., Mauroux O.: Prenatal and Early Sucking Influences on Dietary Preference in Newborn, Weaning and Young Adult Cats. „Chem Senses.”, 2012: 37: 755-766.
- Horwitz D., Soulard Y., Junien-Castagna A.: The feeding behavior of the cat [W:] Pibot P., Biourge V., Elliot D.: Encyclopedia of Feline Clinical Nutrition. Aniwa SAS and Royal Canin, Paris, 2008.
- Houpt K.A.: Domestic Animal Behavior. Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, 2005: 329-334.
- Kane E., Morris J.G., Rogers Q.R.: Acceptability and digestibility by adult cats of diet made with various sources and level of fat. „J. Anim. Sci”, 1981; 53; 1516-1523.
- Muller G.: The social role od food and behavioral pathologies in the dog. [W:] Pibot P., Biourge V., Elliott D.: Encyclopedia of Canine Clinical Nutrition. Aniwa SAS, 2006: 452-461.
- Thore C.J.: Cat feeding behavior. „Vet. Clin. North Am. Small Anim. Pract.”, 1982: 555-562.
- Wyrwicka W.: Imitation of mother`s inappropriate food preference in weaning kittens. „Pavlov J. Biol. Sci.”, 1978; 13:55-72.
dr n. wet. Agnieszka Kurosad,
dr n. wet. Agnieszka Janeczek*
dr n. wet. Paweł Jonkisz
Katedra Chorób Wewnętrznych z Kliniką Koni, Psów i Kotów
Wydziału Medycyny Weterynaryjnej
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
*specjalista zaburzeń zachowań zwierząt University of Southampton
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