Objawy kliniczne związane z niedoborem fosforu u krów mlecznych - Vetkompleksowo – serwis dla lekarzy weterynarii

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Objawy kliniczne związane z niedoborem fosforu u krów mlecznych

  1. Albayati O.A.S.S., Luaibi O.K.: Study of hemato-biochemical changes in post-parturient hemoglobinurea in Iraqi local cows. „Plant Archives”, 2020, 20, 2, 584-588.
  2. Bhikane A.U., Syed A.M.: Recent Trends in Management of Metabolic Disorders of Transition Cows and Buffaloes. „Intas Polivet”, 2014, 15 (2), 485-496.
  3. Deeba F., Bashir A.S.Q.Q.: Investigations on copper and phosphorus deficiency associated post-parturient hemoglobinuria in dairy animals and clinical management with antioxidants. „Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies”, 2019, 7 (4), 426-431.
  4. Gahlawat I., Singh K., Kumar R.: Investigations on oxidative stress in post-parturient hemoglobinuria in buffaloes receiving sodium acid phosphate therapy. „Italian J Anim Sci”, 2007, 6 (2), 974-977.
  5. Goff J.P.: The monitoring, prevention, and treatment of milk fever and subclinical hypocalcemia in dairy cows. „Vet J”, 2008, 176, 50-57. DOI: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2007.12.020.
  6. Goff J.P.: Macromineral physiology and application to the feeding of the dairy cow for prevention of milk fever and other periparturient mineral disorders. „Anim Feed Sci and Technol”, 2006, 126, 237-257. DOI: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2005.08.005.
  7. Grünberg W., Scherpenisse P., Cohrs I., Golbeck L., Dobbelaar P., van den Brink L.M., Wijnberg I.D.: Phosphorus content of muscle tissue and muscle function in dairy cows fed a phosphorus-deficient diet during the transition period. „J Dairy Sci”, 2019, 102, 4072-4093.
  8. Grünberg W., Mol J.A., Teske E.: Red Blood Cell Phosphate Concentration and Osmotic Resistance During Dietary Phosphate Depletion in Dairy Cows. „J Vet Intern Med”, 2015, 29, 395-399.
  9. Heuer C., Bode E.: Variation of serum inorganic phosphorus and association with hemoglobinuria and osteomalacia in female water buffaloes in Pakistan. „Prev Vet Med”, 1998, 33, 69-81.
  10. Kaya A., Akgül Y., Yüksek N.: Studies on the etiology and treatment of hypophosphataemia developed naturally in cattle from Van region of Turkey. „Med Weter”, 2008, 61, 171-174.
  11. Kojouri G.: Parturient Paresis and Its Relationship with Hypophosphatemia. „Acta Vet Scand”, 2003, 44, 126. DOI: 10.1186/1751-0147-44-S1-P126.
  12. Pfeffer E., Beede D.K., Valk H.: Phosphorus metabolism in ruminants and requirements of cattle. [In:] Pfeffer E., Hristov A.N. (eds.): Nitrogen and Phosphorus Nutrition in Cattle. CAB International, Wallingford, UK 2005, 195-231.
prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Lutnicki,
dr n. wet. Beata Abramowicz,
dr hab. Łukasz Kurek
Zakład Chorób Wewnętrznych Zwierząt Gospodarskich i Koni
Katedry i Kliniki Chorób Wewnętrznych Zwierząt
Wydziału Medycyny Weterynaryjnej
Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
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